Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Chains that we all wear.....

Yes. It's true. We all wear chains and these chains are the relations in our lives. In our country, we "follow" relations as though they are a set of rules and we never love them, rather live with them. Every relationship, be it parent-child, husband-wife, friends, cousins, siblings or any other relationship, they come along with a code of conduct. You can't do such and such things in this relation or you should be like this in this relation. I mean, we are all afraid. Not actually of losing someone but what will I do without any relations and if I want a relation, I have no option other than following the rules that come with it. Here, I keep repeating the word "relation" because most of us only relate and are not into it. We just want to play it safe and not be happy with it.
Why so suddenly a post like this? Is that what you are thinking? Well, happened to watch a Hindi movie named Hamari Adhuri Kahani where the husband tries to mentally torture his wife so much that she fights for him when he is jailed for a fake case but the moment he is free and comes home, she has already left the house along with her son, leaving behind the mangalsutra or the sacred chain that holds a very important role in Indian marriages.
After watching the movie, I questioned myself about why do I compromise or adjust in any relation? Why do I think that if I live the way I want to, then it would be wrong? Why do I desperately try to keep people I love happy? Why am I scared of my loved ones rather than loving them?

Maybe we all should let go and live our lives more than stay bound to rules.... And ya this is completely a personal opinion.... Agree or disagree- it's your call.... It's your life, you rule your world 😎